随着特纳体育与NBA达成和解,北美的超级转播格局终于明朗化。球迷们一直力挺的王牌节目《Inside the NBA》也成功避免了解体。
这一切源于NBA签订了一份超大合同。今年5月,迪士尼(ESPN)、亚马逊和NBC联合投资770亿美元,为NBA带来了全新的转播协议。而由于特纳体育未能匹配这个价位,他们将在本赛季结束后终止长达36年的转播生涯,其旗下经典节目《Inside the NBA》一度面临停播危机。
从巴克利亲驴屁股到奥尼尔的“五大囧”,《Inside the NBA》伴随TNT的发展历程创造了无数精彩瞬间。这档传奇节目不仅为NBA制造话题,更是赢得21座艾米奖,是业内学习模仿的标杆。当华纳起诉NBA时,不仅令观众感到惋惜,四位主播查尔斯·巴克利、厄尼·约翰逊、肯尼·史密斯以及沙奎尔·奥尼尔纷纷表态支持。
就在上周,这场持续几个月的拉锯战迎来最终结果。据The Athletic报道,华纳兄弟与NBA达成和解协议。特ナー体育旗下的平台如TNT、Bleacher Report 和 House of Highlights 将获得11年期内使用比赛集锦等数字内容授权。同时,《Inside the NBA》的新周期将由拥有转播权的ESPN及ABC播放,但节目的制作控制权仍归TNT所有,将继续在原有地点进行拍摄,而备受喜爱的主持人团队也全部回归。
此外,通过此次协议, 华纳还从ESPN那里获取30场大学篮球及橄榄球赛事直播权,以及部分国家完整比赛包版权,包括拉丁美洲其他地区,以及波兰、丹麦、芬兰挪威和瑞典,从中最大化自己的利益。 ESPN方面同样期待老牌电视节目的加入,“《Inside the NBA》被公认为最优秀且具有文化影响力之作品之一,” ESPN主席吉米•皮塔罗说。“我们非常兴奋……将为NFL粉丝提供前所未有优质服务,同时进一步巩固我们的品牌作为运动爱好者首选平台。”
No matter what happens, 《 Inside The MBA 》, as a media flagship for professional athletes and sports fans alike , holds far greater significance in its survival than simply where it is broadcast.
The reality is that many classic programs have faced decline over time; shows like “Top Gear,” “American Idol,” and "Saturday Night Live" were once cultural icons but struggled with creativity depletion or market shifts due to streaming evolution. However, 《 Inside The M BA's success has transcended traditional standards of professionalism while humorously resonating with audiences thanks to four iconic hosts who not only provide commentary but also guide current players towards similar roles through podcasts . It’s no wonder some fans believe Paul George and Draymond Green are preparing for future careers as commentators. P >
Amidst an ever-evolving sports media landscape marked by competition growth within broadcasting rights sales , retaining this program means rekindling fan connections whilst helping engage younger viewers across various platforms showcasing opportunities between traditional television formats alongside new-age digital avenues . p >
With Turner Sports' role solidified now more than ever before along North America 's super-broadcast matrix becomes clearer: we may never know how well Jiangxi TV performs airing their version - yet one can confidently assert that developments around major leagues such as these continue shaping industries parallelly evolving alongside athletic advancements on-field! P > < P >Whether it be competitive rivalry or collaborative efforts aimed at profit maximization ultimately leads back down paths prioritizing enabling loyal fandom experiences above all else! p >