
日期: 栏目:足球 浏览:1 评论:0



  • 2023-24赛季欧冠冠军(决赛中打入一球)
  • 2023-24赛季西甲冠军
  • 2024年西超杯冠军(决赛中演绎帽子戏法)
  • 被评为2023-24赛季欧冠最佳球员
  • 入选2023-24赛季欧冠最佳阵容
  • 于2024年3月获得西甲月最佳球员称号




This year, the evaluation period was from August 21, 2023 to August 10, 2024. It included the entire 23/24 season and two major summer tournaments (European Championship + Copa America), but did not account for data or honors achieved in recent months of this current season.



The candidates for Best Male Player and Female Player are selected by a FIFA expert panel. The winners of Best Male Player, Best Coach, and Best Goalkeeper are determined through voting involving national team coaches (one per country), national team captains (one per country), regional representatives among professional journalists, as well as global fan representatives registered with FIFA.


No matter how many actual voters participate, each category's votes carry equal weight: Coaches represent one-fourth; Captains one-fourth; Journalists another fourth; Fans also one-fourth. Voting results from Coaches and Captains will be published on the official FIFA website.


  • Bellingham (皇马)
  • Cavajal (皇马)
  • Ahaaland (曼城)
  • Kroos (皇马)
  • Mbappe( 皇马 )
  • Messi(迈阿密国际)

    <强烈的 Fifa 自2006年以来每年的男子足球运动员获奖者 :

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