
日期: 栏目:足球 浏览:1 评论:0









"这确实很困难,因为我们还没有找到稳定性。但每天都在努力寻找这种连贯感。今天,从上周的大胜中获得动力,同时也期待明天的另一场比赛,希望能够保持良好的势头。” 乌多吉说道。



"作为球员,我们自然希望赢得一些荣誉,就像教练所说,我们是一群渴望获胜的人。每场比赛都会全力以赴争取胜利,每项赛事都有理由参与,希望可以有所收获。" 乌多吉补充道。


  • "这是我们的第二个共同赛季,相互之间了解更多,对教练风格也更加熟悉。这使得我们的默契增强,我觉得这是最大的不同,现在对自己的能力更具信心。“ 他如是说。


“显然,这是可预见的,不过他缺席的比赛数量略超预期……” 乌多吉回应 。< / p >

< Strong > 维卡里奥受伤却还能坚持60分钟,该有多少难度!

"老实说,我一直知道维卡里奥与众不同,他心理素质极强,在脚踝骨折情况下仍能坚持60分钟,这说明了很多。我对此深表敬意,也祝愿他顺利恢复并早日重返阵容。“ 乌doji 表示 .< / p >

< strong > 弗雷泽-福斯特足够出色,可以填补这一位置吗?

  • "绝对可以!弗雷泽-福斯特也是领导者之一,有着丰富经验,会为球队带来帮助,并且每场都展示实力。” 他强调。
  • < / ul > P >< STRONG > 在热刺俱乐部 的 第二 个 季节 ,你的雄心壮志是什么 ?  /u> P - ” 是啊 , 我相信自己, 并适应很好. 英超一直是我的梦想,但至今尚未赢得任何奖项,所以总感觉还有提升空间,将持续努力进步.”\n  \
    • - "提及之前左路杰出的名字时,以丹尼·罗斯最为突出."</ li> </ Ul > P >& lt;STRONG>& #x6B63;言&# x5F08口} 以 ;<The coach recently said that players in their second season under him will be more accustomed to his training regimen and stronger.(U) —"I believe our training intensity is indeed高,“ he continued. {:style=‘text-align:center’} I think it gives us the ability to win games and play at a high level for full ninety minutes.. I feel like we demonstrate this every match,” He added.

      This Season’s Spencer Assessment:

      "I truly believe Spencer has been an incredible player," Udogi stated with confidence. "We have maintained a good relationship through frequent communication—each one of us must contribute positively towards team success.” Then came the question about last week's stunning victory over Manchester City: "As a group, we know our strengths—we trust ourselves and aim for victories each game." He acknowledged some matches may not yield results but emphasized maintaining focus on upcoming challenges without getting ahead of themselves. Regarding learning from inconsistent performances against Brighton: “I always review my own errors when things don't go well—I strive to improve myself post-match analysis leading into national duty prep.” When asked how enjoyable playing as wing-back within Postecoglou's system was? "It feels fantastic since there's freedom involved while also requiring hard work defensively/attacking-wise!" Finally discussing adapting quickly following goalkeeper changes due mainly because they train daily together... “It doesn’t really take long given Fraser Forster or Brandon Austin are present during all sessions—they understand tactics so integration tends toward seamlessness!”